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successfully raised Snowstorm   Grendelchi   female   KittyTikara | born 9/5/2014  log in to like post

Snowstorm was distantly related to the great Dragonchi line, Manonoa, but didn't act like one. She still felt the need to hoard things and the shiner the better.
KittyTikara | 9/11/2014  log in to like post

Snowstorm digs her claws into the dog's side in an attempt to stop it. She is eventually shaken off, but this buys Tonbo just enough time to escape. The frustrated dog whips around and lunges at Snowstorm. Snowstorm falls near the campfire and rolls into it out of desperation. The dog's fur catches on fire and it runs out yelping. Snowstorm doesn't catch on fire, but a few of her scales are burnt.

She looks around for Tonbo, but doesn't see him. Figuring she scared him to death, she heads off to the river to wash up and maybe catch some dinner.
gusmat10 | 9/10/2014  log in to like post

The growling, and distant barking fades... the fire flickers, snowstorm seems very confused. Tonbo is in despair thinking his only chance of "escape" was gone. Suddenly a large feral dog tumbles through the entrance straight for the campfire, he's easily bigger than the two but not by much. Snowstorm attempts to fight it off with brute strength and tonbo tries to sieze the chance to escape, but in his dash he trips over a couple of stone and falls on his belly. The dog, seeing a weakened prey leaps away from snowstorm in an attempt to finish tonbo.
KittyTikara | 9/10/2014  log in to like post

(It would be pretty cool.) Snowstorm notices Tonbu's shifty eyes before she hears the loud snarling outside. She hopes it isn't the bear again, she likes this cave to much to share it with a bear.
gusmat10 | 9/9/2014  log in to like post

(I ment if a third party wants to play too, this is ever so much fun) tonbo hears a distinct snarling outside much like a very large dog. Mistaking snowstorm for a captor he does not warm him even as it grows closer to the mouth of the cave, hoping it might allow him time for escape (hopefully the action scene is coming up)
KittyTikara | 9/9/2014  log in to like post

(I can't really control another person's creatchi though?) Snowstorm is terrible at small talk and they eventually sit there in awkward silence. The rain eventually starts to let up though.
gusmat10 | 9/9/2014  log in to like post

Tonbo hearing that joke is about 90% convinced he's a dead Ettin walking. Despondent his only retort is "ya er... Me too.." A faint growling is heard in the distance but our heroes don't notices awkwardly they make the most microscopic of small talk (what we need is an action scene! Your move! Feel free to add any creatchi in)
KittyTikara | 9/9/2014  log in to like post  1

(Well there are Dragonchis, maybe they would let up ride them into space. XD) Snowstorm shakes the water off of her scales, happy to be in a dry area. "My name is Snowstorm. Nice to eat.. er meet you!" She grins at him kidding, unaware that her sense of humor is pretty bad.
gusmat10 | 9/9/2014  log in to like post

"Tonbo" he squeaks out in a hatchlings voice. He doesn't question the rain either but figured it an existential conundrum too big for his weak child brain

(I don't know where this will end but I'm hoping they meet other creatures and become dinosaur riding space cowboys)
KittyTikara | 9/9/2014  log in to like post

Snowstorm wonders where the sudden rain came from, but just shrugs. She realizes that Tonbo is probably scared of her now, but it's raining and a wet Grendelchi isn't a happy one. So she finds him again, having lost sight of him from the rain, and picks him up. She carries him into cave not far from the apple trees. A few carefully set gems line the top of the cave, and they somehow produce enough light to see.

She puts the shaking Ettinchi down in her dry little home, and asks the Ettinchi what his name is. "Sorry for growling earlier by the way."
gusmat10 | 9/9/2014  log in to like post

Tonbo, frightened backs up into the nearby tree. A downpour begins and no longer having sight of the other grabs an apple as a hilariously inadequate weapon. Never experiencing rain outside of walls or palace, he quickly becomes soaked and miserable (brings me back to my old rping days, your move XD)

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