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Creatchi: An Online Creatures Experience 1 | 2 | 3 | |
 Caves Dweller

4/20/2013 | 1 |
Update: Creatchis now appear on user profiles. 
- Rascii |
 Sixty Third
4/20/2013 | |
Curious, they do die of neglect right? It just has me wonder because some of them are really getting ill.
Also, does it take time to earn things? I did various things around the site last night, and nothing new happened. Woke up this morning to having a new toy.
Oh and if possible, it truly would be awesome to see new colors on offspring. Which brings me to ask, - Who takes care of the offspring? The owner of the mother or someone new? How does that go?
-Karias; a bit fruity and gone bananas in the wrong climate!  |
 Caves Dweller

4/20/2013 | |
Update: A smiley now appears at the top right of every page, which represents the mood of your Creatchi. So if it is anything other than " " you'll know instantly that your Creatchi needs your care and you can click on the smiley to be taken directly to your Creatchi's caring page. Feedback welcome!
Karias wrote: Curious, they do die of neglect right? It just has me wonder because some of them are really getting ill. Yes. I have the feeling the graveyard may receive some of its first Creatchis within the next few days. ![[ncrying] [ncrying]](/images/smilies/emot_crying.gif)
Karias wrote: Also, does it take time to earn things? I did various things around the site last night, and nothing new happened. Woke up this morning to having a new toy. As I stated two replies ago in this thread: "Items should be a bit easier to find now."
Karias wrote: Oh and if possible, it truly would be awesome to see new colors on offspring. Which brings me to ask, - Who takes care of the offspring? The owner of the mother or someone new? How does that go? While I'm not at liberty to discuss the specifics of offspring, I would like to point out that it does say in the Official Creatchi Care Guide that "The appearance of offspring is based on the parents' genes." You'll just have to wait and see what exactly that entails. However, once two Creatchis sucessfully breed and the mother gives birth, the egg will be available for adoption by a CCaves member that does not currently have a Creatchi. So basically anyone can adopt the egg and raise it once it hatches.
- Rascii |
 Sixty Third
4/20/2013 | |
Oh how cool! I guess I must have read the instructions and not enough on the rest of how the Creatchi program works.
-Karias; a bit fruity and gone bananas in the wrong climate!  |

4/20/2013 | |
aw, that means I'll never be able to raise Kocchi's babies...
The number of sickly creatchis makes me sad...
EDIT: hooray for creatchi indicator!
Twitt Stuff
Insta Arts |


4/20/2013 | |
Thanks for the indicator, Rascii! Along with all of the other improvements, of course. I think everyone will find out more about how Creatchi works as they grow into adults. It's nice having these surprises to look forward to!
Discover Albia |
 Caves Dweller

4/20/2013 | |
spykkie wrote: aw, that means I'll never be able to raise Kocchi's babies...
Well technically after Kocchi passes away (sorry to bring that up) you'll be free to adopt his/her offspring. 
I'm glad everyone is liking the indicator so far. 
- Rascii |
 Sixty Third
4/20/2013 | |
I know it'll probably just be another surprise thing for us, but I'm honestly curious if you have a set senile/death age for them? (past adolescent, youth, etc)
-Karias; a bit fruity and gone bananas in the wrong climate!  |
 Air Guitarist

4/20/2013 | |
I love this indicator. : D
Just one thing, are you going to have off-site support? I'd like to have Grentilda on my blog, for example. : D
(I could probably help with that if you're interested. I've got some old PHP code that you could use for this sort of thing. I wrote it in highschool, though. XD)
Updated Rehosting Policy[/title] |
 Caves Dweller

4/20/2013 | |
Breaking News
We have our first reported Creatchi death. You may view the graveyard here. Hopefully Lisha777 takes better care of her Creatchi next time!
- Rascii |
 Tea Queen

4/21/2013 | |
Awww... It's such a shame to see three Creatchis in the graveyard already. May the rest in peace and have all the apples and balls they desire. 
I love how useful the indicator system is; thanks, Rascii! Maybe as a future idea it could be a Norn head, just like the smilies? |


4/21/2013 | |
The creatchi indicator in the corner is really useful - thanks Rascii!
There were three in the graveyard last I saw. 
I've got a suggestion but I don't know how feasible it is - could we allow the trading of items? This would be restricted to one trade per day per person (so if two people trade with each other, they will not be able to trade again for 24 hours).
This means that if you end up with lots of one type of item and a small amount of another, you can trade to ensure your creatchi stays in good shape. Limiting trades to one a day per person means that everyone still needs to be active but means that if you're unlucky with the items you get, you've got a way to change that.

Exploring the Ark
A journal for C3/DS - updated last: 5 May 2013 |
 Caves Dweller

4/21/2013 | |
mip wrote: I've got a suggestion but I don't know how feasible it is - could we allow the trading of items? This would be restricted to one trade per day per person (so if two people trade with each other, they will not be able to trade again for 24 hours). In the near future I was planning on implementing a gifting feature, whereby you could give an item to another player. I hadn't considered an actual trading system. So would you 'offer' a trade to another user, and then wait for them to accept?
- Rascii |
 Sixty Third
4/21/2013 | |
The only sad thing I think of often is that some Creatchis out there would be happy as long as their owners actually accepted things. There's an extremely lonely grendel still awaiting my friend/meeting request. Healthy otherwise, but seriously, loneliest Creatchi I've ever seen.
-Karias; a bit fruity and gone bananas in the wrong climate!  |


4/21/2013 | |
I kind of like the idea of just gifting items, since it's instantaneous and wouldn't involve extra steps. I would also assume that those doing the gifting would be doing so with lots of extra items lying about.
Aww... Another Creatchi added to the graveyard. My little guy needs to keep an eye out for a potential mate! I know they're all young, but I can't wait to start hatching new generations of Creatchi!
Discover Albia |

4/21/2013 | |
I agree, I think gifting is a good idea. Trading can take so long when both people can't be on at the same time; gifting is faster and simpler. If people wanted to trade, they could gift each other what they want to trade. 
Twitt Stuff
Insta Arts |
 Sixty Third
4/21/2013 | |
Okay now I'm really wondering how it is "Draco" is living so long. The others at the same health rates died at or before 4 days age and Draco's still pushing 5 days now? Poor thing.
-Karias; a bit fruity and gone bananas in the wrong climate!  |


4/21/2013 | |
Perhaps its just the time that I just checked at, which was a few minutes ago, but it appears to me that a low social bar isn't enough to make a creatchi kick the bucket. Maybe make it wish it could, but not outright kill it like an empty hunger bar likely does. Maybe Draco is an experiment on the survival rate of a creatchi with a low social bar, but higher bars everywhere else?
Or it could be just cared for by someone who spends just enough time on the Caves, but not as much as some of us others can. ![[nlaugh] [nlaugh]](/images/smilies/emot_laugh.gif)
From the depths of Deep Lurkspace I emerge... And suddenly can't remember what it is I came up for. |
 Sixty Third
4/21/2013 | |
What killed the rest were pretty much no social bar and extremely low everything else like what Draco had. I'm assuming before the big rescue, Draco was kept alive with very sparse feedings/toys.
-Karias; a bit fruity and gone bananas in the wrong climate!  |


4/22/2013 | |
Will we be able to gift to anyone, or just to our creachi's friends?
My TCR Norns |
 Sanely Insane

4/26/2013 | |
For some reason, I'm unable to socialize my Creatchi with male Nornchis she's already met, regardless of the presence of the "Do not disturb" sign. Yet she's still able to socialize with ettinchis, grendelchis, and other female nornchis.
Edit: And while I'm reporting bugs, I've noticed the comments box tends to obscure the Creatchi's stats if its description is really short or nonexistent.
~ The Realm ~
Risen Angel's Creatures Blog

4/26/2013 | |
Can you only view your inventory after your Creatchi has hatched? I wanted to check how many toy balls I have in my inventory, since I seem to be getting nothing but them. |
 Caves Dweller

4/27/2013 | |
Grendel_Man wrote: For some reason, I'm unable to socialize my Creatchi with male Nornchis she's already met, regardless of the presence of the "Do not disturb" sign. Yet she's still able to socialize with ettinchis, grendelchis, and other female nornchis. A variety of factors are calculated in whether or not the socialize link is displayed. It depends on your creatchis' levels, the other creatchis' levels, which creatchi you last socilized with, etc. Therefore I would need detailed specifics on all Creatchis involved in order to diagnose if there's indeed a bug or if the scripts are acting properly and you shouldn't be able to socialize with those Creatchis at that point in time.
The comments bug is only in Firefox, so I think it's more of an issue with that browser.
Feddlefew wrote: Can you only view your inventory after your Creatchi has hatched? Yes, you have to wait until your Creatchi hatches, but it doesn't take long for them to hatch.
- Rascii |
 Sanely Insane

4/27/2013 | |
Once again, I find myself unable to get Carla to socialize with acquantainces. Both she and the creature I'm trying to socialize with (Beowulf) have social bars that are less than maximum. I don't remember which Creatchi she last socialized with (it was either Beowulf or Chili, I think).
I also have two pending socialization requests that I'm not in the mood to accept right now considering I'm trying to get Carla's and Beowulf's relationship levels to the point where they can mate and accepting them would get in the way of that. Not certain if their mere presence is getting in the way here, though.
Edit: And for some reason I'm able to meet Ruby despite the presence of the "Do not disturb" sign. Both she and Carla have less-than-full social bars at the moment.
Edit2: Another tidbit of information: Carla had the "Do not disturb" sign when I first had this issue, and both she and Beowulf had the "Do not disturb" sign before the current instance.
~ The Realm ~
Risen Angel's Creatures Blog


4/28/2013 | |
I was able to socialize Beowulf with Carla, so... Not sure what that means.
Anyway, seems to be no change is their relationship status yet.
My favorite norn is still Belldandy. |
 Sixty Third
4/28/2013 | |
You've gotta have the "breed" option pop up and the other must accept the breeding request.
-Karias; a bit fruity and gone bananas in the wrong climate!  |
 Caves Dweller

4/28/2013 | |
Grendel Man: Since Beowulf was able to socialize with Carla, it sounds like the reason that Carla couldn't socialize with Beowulf is that Beowulf was the last Creatchi that she socialized with.
And just to clarify with the "do not disturb" sign: It doesn't actually hide the "socialize" link, it just lets others know that you don't want them to socialize with your Creatchi. If the link disappeared completely, then the Creatchi that you actually want to socialize with wouldn't be able to socialize either.
- Rascii |

4/28/2013 | |
If I had the time I would make visual tutorials for the creatchi's game features like I did for the DMPC game some years ago... The offer stands, maybe I'll try and do it when i have a bit more time. 
The do not disturb sign is a great idea, and it's great that it works like a real do not disturb sign. XD It would have been problematic if it actually locked down the social interactions. I haven't used it yet so I'm glad i could read about it here.
Twitt Stuff
Insta Arts |


4/29/2013 | 1 |
I have a couple of suggestions, if that is okay?
There seem to be a few creatchi who are dying from lack of medicine. While the low health originates from low activity to begin with, those who come back to try and save their creatchi are struggling as some of them can't post downloads and have no way to gain any more medicine. Would it be possible to change medicine to being available from regular posting but just have a low chance of doing so?
My other suggestion is improving the reward for posting downloads. If medicine becomes available from regular posting, there is less of an incentive to post downloads - apples and balls are fairly easy to come by so cheese and teddies aren't must-have items. I think a strong incentive would be an item that allows a creatchi or couple that has previously bred to breed again. That, or something else that has a positive effect that people want but isn't necessary to keeping a creatchi alive. ![[nsmile] [nsmile]](/images/smilies/emot_smile.gif)

Exploring the Ark
A journal for C3/DS - updated last: 5 May 2013 |


4/29/2013 | |
i agree with the breeding suggestion since there aren't many second gen ettinchi's |
 Tea Queen

4/29/2013 | 2 |
I think the lack of medicine will become less of an issue once Rascii implements the gifting feature, which I think he still plans to do.  |


4/29/2013 | |
Cool - I think gifting will help a lot. 

Exploring the Ark
A journal for C3/DS - updated last: 5 May 2013 |
 Caves Dweller

5/1/2013 | |
I'm considering allowing Creatchis to breed again with their spouse, but still only be allowed one spouse per lifetime. Thoughts?
- Rascii |
 Tea Queen

5/1/2013 | |
Breeding more than once is very alike to Creatures; I say yes.  |
 Wee Scrivener

5/1/2013 | |
*jumps around the room squealing Yes yes yes yes yes!!!*
*ahem* I think that would be an excellent idea. ^^
"Holy crap in a casket!" |