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CCSF Volunteer Thread 1 | 2 | |
 Patient Pirate
7/3/2012 | |
As suggested by Liam. People who want to coordinate the CCSF (or help do so as part of a team) can volunteer here. |

7/7/2012 | |
I know I haven't been around a lot, and I might not be able to be any more than a lurker (I've lost access to my website for a year... I might get it back soon so I can CONTINUE MAKING IT. YUSH)
But I volunteer to draw the header image.
Probably in this style.
And I'd even do one type of creature from each game.
C1/C2/C3&DS/CV and even C4
That's what I suggest, anyway. :] |
 Caves Dweller

7/7/2012 | |
I'd be happy to volunteer to help with the CCSF. I'm quite busy with the revamp at the moment, but it should be finished soon. 
- Rascii |
 Tea Queen

7/8/2012 | |
Yay, it's Azumizai! Hello.
I'm happy to volunteer too. I really enjoyed co-ordinating last year and I'd love to do it again as part of a team this year. I'm sure there's something I could do! |

7/14/2012 | |
Maybe I could make those agents I posted fan art of a few years back.
The little shower, the shampoo, conditioner and comb. ^__^
I'll try harder and see if I can work out how to turn my dreams into reality this time around.
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |
 Prodigal Sock

7/14/2012 | |
Are you saying you want to help coordinate SpringRain? 
I'd be happy to volunteer, either as co-coordinator, site designer (although I assume it will use Don's lovely layout from last year), or both. 


7/14/2012 | |
I would be happy to volunteer! I know I've been away for a bit, but that was mostly for crazy work projects and to take care of my mom while she was recovering from major surgery. I'm trying to catch up on a lot of things this weekend, and then hopefully I'll be around a lot! I'm willing to help out in any way, big or small, especially as part of a team. I'm sure whoever ends up working on this year's CCSF will be great, though!
Discover Albia |


7/14/2012 | |
I sort the site engine.. which can be reskinned if desired 
 Caves Dweller

7/17/2012 | |
So since I'm already doing a lot of work on the website...
Would it be desirable or beneficial for Creatures Caves to host the upcoming CCSF? I could create a special CCSF section and all of the COBs/creatures/metarooms could show up in the CCSF section as well as the corresponding sections of the website.
- Rascii |

7/18/2012 | |
@Ghosthande: I'm not sure how much help I'd be with co-ordinating (I'd like to if I can though) but what I meant is that I want to contribute by giving something to share with others, by making something (i.e CoBs or agents and some fan art and maybe a wolfling run where people can submit creatures and I post it up as a story) to give back to the community. =^_^=
It's something I've always wanted to do. Not sure if I could have that ready in time for the CCSF though (Er...exactly when is it again?), so if there's anything else you want help with that you think I could help with please let me know and I'll try my best.
@Rascii: Yes, that would be very desirable, in my opinion, and probably very beneficial to CC's popularity and activity as well.
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |


7/22/2012 | |
I don't think I'll have enough time to help out this year, so I'm going to refrain from volunteering -- but given how close the time is getting, the current list of volunteers is:
We need an arbitrary end date so we can vote, so, let's say a week from today maybe? If anyone is interested in helping to coordinate, make sure to post!
As for the website, I'd recommend keeping it on Don's server rather than move it elsewhere, but we'd definitely need a new design for this year!
- Liam / K'aeloree
Spellhold Studios, a Baldur's Gate II, Neverwinter Nights and Oblivion Modding Community |
 Prodigal Sock

7/22/2012 | |
Yeah, it's almost the end of July... time is getting short. :O The 29th sounds like a good date to me.
I'm tempted to agree... all the other CCSF's have been on Don's site (as far as I'm aware). It makes sense to try to keep things interconnected, at least.

7/25/2012 | |
The 29th? I'd better finish my fan art then. :O
*sharpens her pencils*
Sorry I was too late to do more this time around. I chose kind of an awkward time to pop back into the Creatures Caves community, I think...
Ehehe. ^.^;
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |


7/25/2012 | |
Nono, the 29th is the deadline for people to volounteer to be a Coordinator.
- Liam / K'aeloree
Spellhold Studios, a Baldur's Gate II, Neverwinter Nights and Oblivion Modding Community |

7/27/2012 | |
Oh...phew, what a relief. Gee I wish I'd seen this earlier, I was panicking thinking I'd have to get my art in by this evening. Lol.
Maybe I can do the other piece I was planning and add colour and more detail to my pencilled version of art.
I'm not sure how to submit it for CCSF but that is what I am making it for. It's of a rather humorous nature so I hope to bring some smiles to faces with it. The other piece is more of a sweet-hearted type.
I'm back after 11 years. Holy dooley! |


7/28/2012 | |
Anyone else want to volunteer to co-ordinate? Nearly last call.


7/28/2012 | |
Bibble. |


7/28/2012 | |
I posted about volunteering above, although it sounds like we have a few great people already volunteering to be coordinator. I'm up for pretty much anything, though!
Discover Albia |


7/28/2012 | |
Can i be the Danny Boyle of the thing? I want to throw the opening ceremony.
Bibble. |


7/28/2012 | |
lol, sounds intriguing Dan.. What would you have planned? or would it have to be a surprise too? 


7/28/2012 | |
I'm throwing you out of a helicopter, Don.
Bibble. |


7/28/2012 | |
I trust you'll be coming down with me? 


7/29/2012 | |
Oh Dan <3 Nice to see you! 
- Liam / K'aeloree
Spellhold Studios, a Baldur's Gate II, Neverwinter Nights and Oblivion Modding Community |


7/29/2012 | |
ohhhhhh, YOU. <3
Bibble. |


7/29/2012 | |
I think I will actually throw my name in the hat as well, actually. Ugh. Why do I do this to myself.
Does someone want to put up a voting thing? 
- Liam / K'aeloree
Spellhold Studios, a Baldur's Gate II, Neverwinter Nights and Oblivion Modding Community |


7/29/2012 | |
When IS the CCSF? etc.
Bibble. |


7/30/2012 | |
November 1-14 
- Liam / K'aeloree
Spellhold Studios, a Baldur's Gate II, Neverwinter Nights and Oblivion Modding Community |
 Tea Queen

7/30/2012 | |
What sort of voting thing? You mean a poll with each of our names (me, you, Rascii and Ghosthande)? |


7/30/2012 | |
Yeah, that's sort of what I was thinking! Then we just get everyone to vote and in a week collect the results?
- Liam / K'aeloree
Spellhold Studios, a Baldur's Gate II, Neverwinter Nights and Oblivion Modding Community |
 Tea Queen

7/30/2012 | |
Done. If it's not right, let me know and I'll change it. 
Everyone please vote now for your chosen CCSF 2012 Co-ordinator! Voting closes on Monday 6th August. |


7/31/2012 | |
Jessica was missed off.
 Tea Queen

7/31/2012 | |
Oh oops, I'm so sorry Jessica! Mistakes happen... I've alerted Rascii to see if he can fix it. ![[nsmile] [nsmile]](/images/smilies/emot_smile.gif) |


7/31/2012 | |
 Caves Dweller

7/31/2012 | |
New options can't be added to the poll, since it could change how previous people voted. I suppose the best option is to delete it and create a new one. 
- Rascii |
 Tea Queen

7/31/2012 | |
I am happy for Don to make a new poll. ![[nsmile] [nsmile]](/images/smilies/emot_smile.gif) |


7/31/2012 | |
No problem, Laura! I think I was kind of vague anyway. In any case, I'll be happy to pitch in however I can!
Discover Albia |