author | Liam, Moe | website | [view] | For those Norns, Grendels, and Ettins who live underwater, a brand new area is just waiting to be explored! Oasis is a circular metaroom complete with a small beach and aquatic area teeming with life! Not only are there new sharks, fish, and coral to discover, but the metaroom also includes several new toys. It's a perfect place for Creatures of all ages to enjoy the water! |
I love putting my pearl mermaids here Even though my creatures get stuck sometimes, i've left them on wolfing runs and they seem to unstuck themselves fine.
Beautiful scenery and sounds.
It doesn't play the best creature-wise, but it is one heck of a beautiful metaroom!
I agree with the wall. My creatures get stuck at the right side of this metaroom, which sucks because I really want to use it because of the awesome graphics.
make the critters in the pond able to be interacted with by creatures, and fix the wall on the side so creatures don't get stuck there, and this would be a very nice room for amphibious creatures, if you could cope with no agents. c:
I never put creatures in here. I just retreat to it occasionally and admire the graphics.
Looks very good!