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Spil Games Releases Creatures Alchemist   C-Rex | 8/29/2017discuss  log in to like post  4

Spil Games Releases Creatures AlchemistSpil Games, the game publisher who acquired the license to the Creatures series last year, and who are currently developing the upcoming game, Creatures Family, have recently released a mini-game entitled Creatures Alchemist.

From Spil games' website:
The Shee is one of the world’s greatest scientists. He’s a genius but that doesn’t mean that he couldn’t use an intern! Get ready to join him in his futuristic lab where he’s busy creating new types of Norns. They’re fascinating creatures that you can design and customize in this unique simulation game.

The game can be found here on Spil Games' website.
Issy | 10/23/2017  log in to like post

Ah yes, everyone knows Fire, Air, and Water put together make DNA that can be put into an egg to make a norn. Of course... its a wonder we don't have norns running around Earth at this point.

Woooah. After staring blankly at the screen for 3 minutes because I did not want to pay to speed it up, the norn hatches and immediately says "Hello!". Knowledge of English greetings is a genetic trait!?

Then the game crashed after mixing some 'elements'...

Bright future for the series, very bright indeed.
the1whoscreams | 10/11/2017  log in to like post  1

I think that mix-up emphasizes the fact that Spil can't be bothered to do real research or properly test their games and is probably going to give us a piece of crap.
C-Rex | 10/11/2017  log in to like post

I have no idea how they even managed that mix-up.
Venithil | 10/10/2017  log in to like post

The way they call a green red-headed Norn the White Pixie Norn is a disgrace, frankly.

And I mean it
Rascii | 10/7/2017  log in to like post

Am I the only one who can't get this to load? Not sure if it's my browser or something. I'm on a Macbook Pro with macOS Sierra using Safari.
Jesseth | 10/2/2017  log in to like post  1

This is absolutely hilarious and i can't believe it took me so long to notice this existed! XD I can't wait to show this to CS, she's going to love it in an ironic sort of way, because somehow the Master Shee is even more uncanny than ever hahah~ Thanks so much to whoever made the play through video btw, I really don't want to mess around with my adblocker to get this running right now.
Riakodoadm | 9/6/2017  log in to like post  2

... ...

At least that Norn doesn't look like a cat/Gremlin hybrid, eh!?
Siinamon | 9/4/2017  log in to like post  3

What a let-down.
Doringo | 9/2/2017  log in to like post  1

Yeah I don't trust Spil to do a good job with family after seeing this demonstration, all it has really done is confirm our previous worries regarding the company, how they operate and what kind of games they make. [nskull]
Puddini | 8/31/2017  log in to like post  1

oh hey, creatures family still exists!

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