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C2 Wolfling Runs with TheDrunkenNorn!   1 | 2 | ... | 11 | 12 | 13 | ... | 15 | 16


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

Bad news: Only the male Slim Shady is left. The rest died by starvation/beating each other to death.

The real Slim Shady doesn't need to stand up; he's the only one in the world. ;)

I don't know what kind of Wolfling Run I'm going to do next, to be honest. I didn't know this one would be done in all of 4 hours of gameplay.

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.
Patient Pirate




Maybe get some more breedable Grendels of different types? You can throw Slim Shady in there too.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

♦ Irrelevant to current run ♦

Here's a big shoutout and thanks to Venithil for helping me set up the Ivrogne Canny Norn. He basically did it for me, to be honest. The process went something like this:

TDN: I want a Norn with this this this and this.

Venithil: Here's a step-by-step guide to achieve exactly what you wanted to accomplish.

Good guy. Thanks to you and to everyone who still reads this Wolfling Run series.

Don't know what I'm talking about? Click here!

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

Strawberry Norns are the next Wolfling Run!

Sorry to ignore you Ylukyun :( I feel bad.

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

Oh my god I read a comment in the Norn breed about them being strawberry colored and forgot that they were called spotted Norns. Be right back.

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:
  7/11/2017  1

Christ, I've never screwed up that badly on this series before. My apologies. I'm going to leave the mess-up in, though.

Anyway, next post will be after I put them into the game world.

Jesus, I must be eating too many Tantris Berries. That screw up was crazy. [ndoh]

(Speaking of Creatures Wiki, Click Here if you want to see the strangest Creatures article that I've ever read. Maybe the fandom for this game is completely crazy, EVEN ME! I doubt neglect via Wolfling Runs really constitutes as "torture", however. I give them plenty of food and water.)

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.



 visit Malkin's website: Malkin's page at CWiki

Don't forget to use the new address for the Creatures Wiki, - that way, you get to see over a thousand all-new pages, including content for Creatures 2. [ngrin]

My TCR Norns


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:
  7/11/2017  2

Thanks Malkin! That ^

The Tantris Berry link actually used the .wiki version. The one about Norn Torture used the Wikia page. I'll update the page now.

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

tfw the Wolfling Run is put off for a few hours because I can't find which copy of Creatures 2 on my computer the .exe file installs to.

If you're a breed creator, do me a favor and STOP USING .EXE TO PACK YOUR BREED. Just allow the user to do a manual installation of the breed, it's literally just copy/pasting. You don't trust Creatures players to be able to copy/paste things?

Or an even better idea, when you pack your dumb little breed into an .exe, you could add the option to choose which directory to install into. .-.

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

I forgot to include the intro to Creatures 2 at the start of the Wolfling Run series. Here you guys go; this thing is awesome. Sadly enough, the GoG version didn't have this great opening scene for me. Maybe it's Playstation exclusive? I'm unsure. I vaguely remember the Playstation ports having cutscenes like this.

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.



 visit Malkin's website: Malkin's page at CWiki

Try moving the .exe file into your C drive > GOG Games > Creatures 2 folder.

My TCR Norns


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:
  7/11/2017  2

Hm, it was here for me. Found it by searching for a Norn included in the pack. Thank you anyway, Malkin! [nparty]

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

Oh good lord; Spotted Norns have canny lobes. Let the good times roll.

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

A day in the life of TDN: Starting a Wolfling Run

Step 1: Make a new world, clicking all of the "Okay, set color to 16-bit, et cetera" boxes.
Step 2: Enable most options via "Game State Controller".
Step 3: Throw those Cactus generators into the sea.
Step 4: Use a COB to delete all cactuses in the world.
Step 5: Summon/Birth Norns, teach them language with a COB.
Step 6: Place Energy Gates on the world
Step 7: Use various COBs such as Ocean Bridges, meat vines, and other fixes.
Step 8: Put the Norns on the surface world.
Step 9: Watch them all die (Or if they have Canny lobes, watch them live for thousands of generations).

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

I imported six of the Spotted Norns; three males and three females. I love love LOVE the sprites on these guys. They're awesome. They all look exactly the same, though, so I hope that they can evolve to new colors over time.

As far as I can tell, they are a recolored mix of the Hebe and Pixie Norns. They're Hebes with Pixie haircuts... which is awesome. I've already fallen in love with this breed, and we haven't even begun. Bless.

I broke the rules a little bit. I took a bee out of a Norn's hand who was crying incessantly because the thing hurt him. This was only about a minute into the run, however. I'll do better next time.

Whoever came up with the idea to mix Hebe and Pixie was a bloody genius. I love these Norns.

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

These Norns do, indeed, have Canny lobes. I'm so happy! [npirate]

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

Speaking of happiness, these Norns are really good at taking care of their needs. They're excellent sleepers, eaters, and they seek out toys when bored. They're doing well so far.

They're adolescents now, and they're very... Norny. So Norny, in fact, that they've had their first kid!

Meet Bob, the first Second Generation Spotted Norn so far. He's a cutie. [nblush]

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

The Spotted Norns are now children, instead of babies. They're *very* cute now, moreso than in infancy.

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

♦ Irrelevant to current run ♦

If any of you know how to make a Creatures 2 custom world, please let me know. I'm very interested in making my own C2 world (Or having one made) for the series. In particular, it would be one that comes default with things such as Meat Vines, no unfair hazards (like the ocean), et cetera. A beautiful, but totally flat-plane world with only one layer that Creatures walk on (Half of it could be indoors, to keep the weather from affecting the Norns).

If you guys know anything about doing this, it is very important to me that you tell me! :)

Edit: A winter-themed one would suit my fancy, but that's just personal preference. I love snow levels in video games.

Edit: I made a Development post about it.

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:
  7/11/2017  2

Awwwhhh! A baby was born again (The third baby), and every Norn on the map crowded around it and showered it with praise. :)

On another note, the commenters were completely right; the male Norns look just like little Strawberries. Awesome. :)

The Spotted Norns are very social. They often clump up in big groups and... talk. Talk about grabbing the weather, talk about being intensely hungry, et cetera. Good stuff!

Here are their names, in case you guys were curious. Ages too.

Protip: baby Norns are NOT good at learning language through their parents, despite that their parents are fluent language speakers. This is mainly due in part to the fact that Norn language is erratic. They say a lot of random words. At the very least, Norns say Eat and Norn enough that every baby knows those words...

Did I tell you guys how much I freakin' love these sprites yet?

Here's a female youth, for posterity. Note that the babies DO NOT retain their color scheme to gender thing. The second generation already did away with that; there are red girls and yellow boys. There's also weird browns Edit: The brown ones are just younger Spotted Norns. They change colors as they age.

Here are the three colors most prevelant in this Wolfling pack so far.

Curiously, their "drinking water" animation looks quite a bit more like they're "rubbing their cheeks". Weird.

Speaking of, this is an example of Canny Lobes at work. The Norn here, Alan, was complaining about being crowded. What did he do? Get away from the crowd. The Canny Norns reach something that could be considered intelligence, and that interests me greatly.

That said... they are still kinda bad at sleeping, and they like to crowd each other. Typically though, I tend to find that if a Norn population's primary concern is sleep, they're doing fine. It means they take care of their more important needs. Crowding and Insomnia are not as life threatening as lack of food and water.

Interestingly, this Norn here, Bianca, seems to be very frustrated. She's been mad for the past ten minutes, and only smiles immediately after fulfilling her needs. I wonder what's up with her?

These guys like showering their babies with praise. Very much spoiling them. Well, it's still a welcome break from the Violent Norns. Those guys would beat their babies until they died. [nsad]

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

Here's one final shot of the happy buggers before I leave them alone for a while. Gotta sleep. [nsleepy]

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

Well damn. They've passed multiple generations at this point, but because my Wolfling Control COB stopped working AGAIN after too many Norns were born, I can only keep track by the number of deaths this population has endured.

Here's the current population's stats. Overall, based on the historical data, there were/are 39 Norns that were at one point in my world (Including dead and alive Norns, which means that either one of the Norns glitched out of this data here somehow, or one of them died right after I got this screenshot). I'm going to extrapolate that, since we started with 6 Norns, each generation will be after about 12 Norns. We should be on the second-to-fifth generation now.

Also according to this data, 32 Norns have been born into this world (A.k.a. not Generation 1).

I don't have a screenshot of it, but I swear that by the shee, I saw an error message saying "Chronicles can't continue because <UnNamed> is not responding". So... a NORN was not responding. That's awesome. Little program dudes!

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

Hm, despite the fact that these Norns do have Canny lobes, they're just as sad as any other Norn population. Maybe Akamai Canny is better, or maybe I'm remembering Canny as better than it really was. They're mostly plagued by sleeping issues. These Norns are miserable because they won't sleep, despite the game specifically having stats for when it is nighttime. They just won't sleep!

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

Fun fact: Creatures 2 Norns can turn their heads up to 180 degrees, like owls can.

Not Fun Fact: I can't ever seem to be fast enough to screenshot it.

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

I was largely incorrect about my previous statement regarding Norn language. A few generations in, they still have rather complicated language. You would think by now I would know some of this stuff, but at least I'm learning. [nsunglasses]

Note: They do bibble gibberish sometimes. In particular, they like to say "Gaa".

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

Norns are so cute when they're angry! [nblush]

Their gait changes so that they stomp around like little angry toddlers, and they become really aggressive. I love this game.

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:
  7/12/2017  1

Elderly Spotted Norns don't look that much different than their younger counterparts. I really enjoy that they don't look like dried up raisins in their old age.

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

Glitches are awesome.

(Context: I used the Flying Saucer COB on the Ettin. It instead went into orbit around my world. He's gone about 5 times around my world now.)

Proof. He's totally orbiting Albia right now.

Somehow this glitch resulted in two Ettins spawning into the world at the same time. I brought the other one up and taught him language; I'm going to give him a place in Norn society. His brother is still orbiting Albia. Note: I haven't imported either of these Ettins. Typically, Creatures 2 only allows one Ettin and one Grendel to be spawned. However, as soon as the first Ettin was glitched into being flung into orbit, there were two of them.

What is up with this game...

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:


That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

At least the non-spaceworthy Ettin knows when to sleep, unlike these stupid Norns.

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

This is really sad! I came back after sleeping to find that all of the Norns were dead save for this one. This marks the end of this Wolfling Run, as she can't reproduce with anyone.

There are 71 dead Norns, 1 living Norn, and 6 were imported at the beginning. This means that 66 Norns were born during this run.

I will be exporting the survivor and uploading her soon. Her name is Zamyra. She is an adult female.

Overall, I had a lot of fun with the Spotted Norns. They're a cute breed but they didn't last very long; only 26 hours.

Edit: click here to download Zamyra!

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.
Patient Pirate




Do you like Ettins? You could try doing an Ettin run with some Akmai canny Ettins.



TheDrunkenNorn wrote:
Hm, despite the fact that these Norns do have Canny lobes, they're just as sad as any other Norn population. Maybe Akamai Canny is better, or maybe I'm remembering Canny as better than it really was. They're mostly plagued by sleeping issues. These Norns are miserable because they won't sleep, despite the game specifically having stats for when it is nighttime. They just won't sleep!

Spotted Norns are indeed cute, but they are oldschool Canny.
This means they are heaps and bounds better than regular Norns and whatnot, but they still have a lot of flaws, including excessive sociability and getting dumb with age fast past some point.

The main advantage of Akamais is that all their instincts were reworked to avoid things like a Norn being rewarded for pulling clowds/pretty much anything when hungry (yes, that is a thing). Only a few breeds have base instincts reworked in such a way (Boney Grendels, Akamai cannies, a few updated Canny based ones and my own breeds after Kannova Venterra 2.0 come to mind).

Speaking of, you could try using Bonewall Grendels or Iscah Ettins from the last CCSF site. Or both actually since Iscah Ettins relax easily around Grendels. Just remember they have short lifespans (~3 hours for IScah and 5.5 for Grendels).

I document some of my playthroughs in a blog-style fashion with comments enabled. I may just change them into a blog, but if you're interested in reading such things beforehand, feel free!


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

I'm in an Ettin sorta mood (Irrelevant to the Ettin who literally orbited my game world for 5 hours). Count on the Iscah Ettins being next.

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.


 visit TheDrunkenNorn's website:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wallpaper <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Speaking of Ettins, here's a new wallpaper! I was inspired by the events of the Spotted Norn run to make this one. This wallpaper is my jam.

That cute little bugger in my avatar is <UnNamed> from my Creatures 2 Wolfling Runs! Click here if you'd like to know more.

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